Thursday, January 6, 2011

3 Keys to Effective Mobile Marketing - Location, Content, Brand

Caroline Giegerich made great points in her Mashable article: The Art of the Checkin: From Location to Content to Brand.  Location, Content, and Branding are 3 keys mobile marketers need to focus on in the future. Mobile Consumer's will soon (if they do not already) expect personally tailored promotions, messages, and campaigns using:

  • (LBS) Location-based Services 
  • Proximity Systems
  • Bluetooth & Infrared Capabilities
As a mobile consumer we want to know what's around us. What stores, services, people, systems or devices are in our vicinity. Why? Because we want to socialize, be on the cutting edge - always have the new or next thing, and never pay full price if there is a way we could get the item for a cheaper price. It's a no wonder these demands mobile consumers have are like this. With all the access to information and technology they have available to them why shouldn't they?

This means that us marketers need to be on our game. Our content needs to be specific and we need to abide by new privacy parameters and functionality. Here are some mobile marketing content management tools:

  • (MO) Mobile Originated Messaging
  • Mobile Banner Ads
  • QR Codes
  • Voice Messages 
Mobile Commerce provides more convenience for Consumers. As adoption of new mobile technology and applications increase the need for companies to have a consistent brand experience will become increasingly important and difficult. How marketers will choose to brand the following is the millon dollar question:
  • Mobile Web Apps
  • Mobile Websites
Will this dictate how successful Mobile Commerce and Mobile Marketing campaigns are in the future?

What are your thoughts? How important do you think location, content, and branding are to the mobile web? Why?

1 comment:

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